Digital Imaging

Once scanning or photography is done, color correction is the next step for a successful print.  We have custom-made profile for all the media we print on, but those are no replacement for color correction and a rigorous proofing process.  Our digital imagers have decades of experience and are attuned to the specific needs of each project.  Photographs are treated differently than paintings, which, in turn, are different from graphic design.  Each have their own needs and specificities and attuning the digital field to those peculiarities are what makes your prints really shine.  What we put in to color correction is so much more than hitting the “print” button.  

Photoshop experts can perform miracles on your damaged or faded photographs, prints, posters, drawings, and paintings. We begin by scanning the original item, then meticulously repair and enhance the image to your desired specifications. Once the digital restoration meets your approval, we print the revitalized image on your choice of media. The result is a new print that closely mirrors the piece’s original condition